Dana’s July Suggestion

Ambition and Desire: The Dangerous Life of Josephine Bonaparte by Kate Williams

ambition coverTheir love was legendary, their ambition flagrant and unashamed. Napoleon Bonaparte and his wife, Josephine, came to power during one of the most turbulent periods in the history of France. The story of the Corsican soldier’s incredible rise has been well documented. Now, in this spellbinding, luminous account, Kate Williams draws back the curtain on the woman who beguiled him: her humble origins, her exorbitant appetites, and the tragic turn of events that led to her undoing.

read a sample from the ebook by clicking here

Related Reads:

Napolean: A Life – by Andrew Roberts

England’s Mistress: The Infamous Life of Emma Hamilton – also by Kate Williams

Isabella: The Warrior Queen by Kirsten Downey